Modern technology allows us to track and find anything. If we want a restaurant recommendation or the location of the nearest ATM, we turn to our phones.

Why Location-Based Apps?

Locating nearby shops and services is something people of all generations rely on their mobile devices for. We also use location-based apps to check the weather before we leave home, to locate our parked vehicle, and to track our neighbourhood run. Parents use the technology to track their kids; workers use it to estimate their commute time.

As a business, you can use geofencing technology to target consumers in your area and direct personalized messaging and offers right to them. Or you can create games that implement AR technology, like Pokemon Go, to get people out of their homes and trying something new.

Let's Build Your App!

Unlike Other Mobile Activities, Location-Based Services Appeal to Smartphone Owners of All Ages

The Challenges of Location-Based Apps

  • Privacy Concerns 

    While the majority of consumers see more reward than risk in sharing their location with apps, there are still some who find it a sheer invasion of privacy. When asking for such information, it’s important to be clear about your intentions from the beginning and fully disclose what security measures you have in place.

  • GPS Is Not 100% Reliable 

    Geolocation typically uses GPS technology. But GPS technology isn’t always reliable in an indoor environment, as it’s difficult for satellite signals to penetrate walls. If you’re looking to build an app that maps out a mall or conference centre, for example, beacon technology may be a better option for your app.

  • Real-Time Data Management 

    Organizing and integrating all the data that comes in is crucial to making geolocation work as it should—but that can be a tricky task to navigate. All departments have to communicate and collaborate in order to maintain the level of detail and efficiency needed to run the app.

Further Considerations

With so many possibilities for the use of location-based technology, you have to have a clear business model mapped out before you begin. How many different ways and for what reasons would you expect someone to use your app? Though humans are creatures of habit, we’re not always predictable, so your app should be prepared to respond to multiple variables, like what means of transportation the customer is using or what time of day it is.

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How We Help Location-Based Apps Stand Out

Our unique app development offering begins with our mobile blueprint. In just 3 weeks, we can deliver a fully mapped-out plan for your app build.


What you can expect to get from the mobile blueprint process:

With that, you’ll have everything you need to bring your vision to life!

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Are You Looking To Build A Location-Based App?

We’re confident that we can help you bring your app to life, not only because we’ve built apps across multiple industries, but also because we’ve researched what goes into making great apps—from millennials and app behavior to the best colors for app icons. We build, design, research and love all things mobile.