Mobile App UX: The 7 Biggest Mistakes First-Time Founders Make

Mobile apps have grown at an astronomical pace in the past few years. According to the latest Statista report, there are approximately...   Read more »

Web vs Hybrid vs Native Apps (A Guide For SaaS Founders)

So you’re ready to build a mobile app for your SaaS company? You’ve read all the stats about what an app can...   Read more »

How Do Free Apps Make Money (Six Case Studies)

At any given time, there are typically 4 to 5 million apps available for download from the Apple App Store and Google...   Read more »

How To Decide If You Should Build An Ecommerce App (2019)

It wasn’t too long ago that store owners were asking if they really needed a website. After all, they already had a...   Read more »

How To Start Building An iPhone App In 3 Steps (2019)

In this post you’re going to learn the MindSea team’s step-by-step process for bringing iPhone apps to life. That’s right—we’re pulling back...   Read more »

I Want To Build An Android App. Where Should I Start?

So you want to build an Android app 🤖 You’ve brainstormed an amazing mobile app idea—you may even know exactly what features...   Read more »

How To Move Beyond Common Design Patterns In 2019

As we design interfaces we typically utilize and rely on design patterns to solve common problems. As we design interfaces we typically utilize and...   Read more »

5 Things Every Designer Can Learn From Playing A Game Of Pickup Basketball

Design and pickup basketball. What could they possibly have in common? And more specifically: What can any web designer, mobile app designer,...   Read more »

Have You Given Your Mobile App A Recent ASO Health Check?

If your app downloads have flatlined, you’ve come to the right place. Maybe your app has been sitting in the Apple App...   Read more »

How To Get Buy In From The C-Suite For A Mobile App (2019)

Mobile apps have proven to be a successful venture for startups, Fortune 500 companies and enterprises across many industries and verticals. The...   Read more »

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