Health & Wellness Mobile Apps

UX Design
App Blueprint
User Testing
iOS Development
Android Development

We help health companies & startups plan, design and build mobile app solutions that improve people’s lives. We put the user first in the design process, embrace the complexities of legacy tech and understand the importance of creating secure, HIPAA-compliant apps, all while moving quick enough to meet important deadlines.

Since 2009, we've been a mobile app design & development partner for organizations and startups across many industries. We say partner intentionally.

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From the initial mobile app strategy & planning process all the way through to a successful launch - we're there. We pride ourselves on being responsive and transparent with our partners so you never feel like you're left in the dark.

As a result of this design-driven and collaborative process, our apps have been downloaded by millions of people. We're able to use our expertise to help health companies go beyond white label solutions, with limited flexibility, to create custom experiences that their users really want.

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Our mobile app agency is a team of strategists, designers and developers who are committed to creating mobile apps for iOS and Android that are a enjoyable to use.

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For over 9 years, we’ve been combining pixels and code to create stunning apps that delight our clients and their customers. We’ve worked on iOS and Android projects across a number of industries, and our apps have been downloaded and used by millions of people around the globe.

Secure User Data

User privacy is an important part of any health and wellness mobile app. To avoid the nightmare of a data breach, you must embrace encryption requirements and adhere to security regulations, such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), in the U.S. and PIPEDA (The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act), in Canada.

This is where a native app has the ability to really differentiate from a web-based hybrid app. The data control and encryption capabilities that comes with a native app can help ensure that you’re keeping data and privacy safe & secure, and give your users the peace of mind they deserve.

Intuitive User Experience

A healthcare app should offer relief and calm rather than frustration and confusion. The best mHealth apps are clearly designed with a sense of empathy for the user’s needs. At MindSea, our team of designers use a human-centred design approach to create intuitive, user-friendly mobile experiences.

"Everyone who saw the app has been impressed with both the concept and the product."

Paul Nykamp

Paul Nykamp

Software Developer, Vapium

Effective Delivery Team

Mobile healthcare apps can meet a lot of different needs for a lot of different people. Whether your app provides a service that helps consumers access their medication, or a service that helps healthcare professionals streamline workflows, choosing the right team is important.

delivery team delivery team

At MindSea, our communication process results in many clients feeling like we’re all one team. That’s intentional. This ensures that nothing is missed when it comes to your app’s requirements, and that the goals of your team and ours are always aligned. Many organizations have existing and legacy technologies that have been relied upon for years. By working closely with you, we uncover obstacles and opportunities to gain insight into how it can be integrated with new technologies and de-risk the project from day one.

“There’s a feeling that they really want you to be successful and they’re there for you.”


Adam McLeod

Founder, Adam Helps

Ready To Build A Great Mobile App Experience?

Before writing code and making the pixels perfect, we analyze your audience, your needs and your vision to create an app that will serve your purposes. We start by creating a mobile app blueprint and use that as our roadmap for bringing the app to life.

Let’s Start With A Mobile App Discovery Call

Our collaborative app development process begins with our mobile app blueprint. In as little as 4 weeks, we can deliver a fully mapped-out plan for your app build.

From the Blueprint, you’ll have everything you need to bring your vision to life!

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Are You Looking To Build A HealthTech App?

We're confident that we can help you bring your app to life, not only because we’ve built apps across multiple industries, but because we've extensively researched what goes into making great apps—from millennials and app behavior to what it means to be HIPAA compliant. We build, design, research and love all things mobile.