How To Identify Your Riskiest Business Assumptions (3 Steps)

Many times, we take for granted the fact that running a business is really difficult. This is especially true in the startup...   Read more »

The 5 Pillars Of App Engagement And Retention – How To Keep Users Coming Back For More

Many developers choose to focus on growing their user base by investing vast resources into acquiring new users. But user acquisition is...   Read more »

Why Your RAT (Riskiest Assumption Test) Is The Real MVP

Companies design and develop new products every day, only to come to the harsh conclusion that nobody wants what they’re offering. Often,...   Read more »

Keepin’ It Lean: Why Your First Product Doesn’t Need All The Bells & Whistles

So you want to build an app. You have a long list of incredible features that you want to include, and you’ve...   Read more »

MindSea Named Top Mobile App Developer In 2019

Once again, Clutch, the Washington, D.C. rating and review firm that features development firms and agencies around the world, has highlighted MindSea...   Read more »

How Much Does It Cost To Develop An mHealth App?

A report published by states that the global mobile health (mHealth) app market “is expected to reach US$102.35 billion by 2023,...   Read more »

Health Apps: How Mobile Apps Are Improving Our Lives & Well Being

The mobile health app market has been growing steadily over the past few years. According to IQVIA, there are now over 318,000...   Read more »

Mapping Viral Apps: Where Do The Top 50 Apps On The Market Originate?

The mobile app market is busier than ever. Android users have over 2.1 million apps available for download in the Google Play...   Read more »

What Healthcare Startups Should Know About HIPAA Compliance

The digital health space is on fire. According to Accenture’s 2018 Consumer Survey on Digital Health, consumers are increasingly relying on technology...   Read more »

User Testing: What It Is, How To Do It and Why It Matters

User testing, usability testing—whatever term you’re more familiar with, they both serve the same purpose: to test your product with real users...   Read more »

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