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iPhone And iOS App Design Agency

We Design iOS Experiences That Help Our Clients Achieve Real Results

Designing iPhone apps that improve people’s lives is what inspires our team every single day. We’re passionate about creating beautiful mobile app designs and unique experiences that fit seamlessly into users’ daily lives and work across all their devices, from iPhone to iPad to Apple Watch. Our designers, strategists and developers are constantly studying human behavior in order to craft better experiences that keep users coming back.

Circle Technology’s iOS designs have been featured by the Apple App Store and have collectively received an average of almost 4.5 stars. Our passion for great design frequently overflows, so we publish our thoughts, insights, research and more on our blog and resource page, which is filled with valuable content for anyone looking to learn more about designing and building stunning mobile apps.

Circle Technology Average Rating:

“Design is not just what it looks and feels like. Design is how it works”

Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs

Embracing The iOS Human Interface Guidelines

Our team is fully aligned with Apple's mission to create engaging apps that radiate power and simplicity. We connect deeply with the iOS concept of a “human interface” —the idea that the user, not the app, should be in control of the experience. Thus, we’re committed to designing interfaces that offer clarity, crispness and visual depth.

We have launched more than 65 iPhone apps for our clients plus a handful of our own. Our commitment to designing for the user has helped our apps stand out—more than half our apps have been featured in the Apple App Store.

We’ve designed iOS apps for almost every category in the app store and for clients in multiple industries. Here are a few of our team’s recent projects:

SportsDay Talk Screenshot
TCT Screenshot
Etchings Screenshot
Glue Screenshot

How We Design Stunning iPhone
 Apps & iOS Experiences

We know that designing a great iOS experience for the iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch isn’t just about pretty pixels and cool animations. It’s about defining your business goals, understanding your users’ needs and creating a meaningful experience that your users will embrace. That’s why we create iPhone experiences that are built on data, research and years of expertise.

Every iOS app design that Circle Technology brings to life starts with an in-depth planning process. We call this the Mobile App Blueprint, and it allows us to better understand your target audience, your business situation and your vision for this mobile app experience. Your team is tasked with bringing insights about your company and customers, and we'll bring the mobile experience needed to design something special.

What Does The Mobile Blueprint Process Mean For iPhone Apps?

Development Plan Backed By
 Data And Insight

When we begin the Blueprint process for an iPhone app, we start by putting on our Sherlock Holmes deerstalkers and diving deep into data, research and collaboration with clients to gather information.

Detailed Designs For Key
 App Function

Our UX design team provides detailed designs and user flows that are ready to be passed along for iPhone app development.

Detailed Product Roadmap
 To Begin Development

Our development team determines the technical requirements for launching and sustaining an app that works.

Accurate Estimates For
 iPhone App Development

We deliver a detailed and transparent estimate for how much it will cost to turn each iPhone app idea into a reality that customers will use and love.

We Design Stunning iOS App Experiences For Brands Who Don’t Want To Blend In

It's becoming harder and harder for brands to stand out in the app store, but quality design can easily be the differentiator between a good app and a great one. We're committed to collaborating with companies who share our passion, vision and drive for designing mobile app experiences that can shape their industries and help their business achieve success.

If you’re new to designing iOS apps, you probably have a lot of questions. We’ll be on hand to answer every question you throw at us—before, during and after the development process. But let’s start with the two questions we get from every potential client:


How Long Does It Take To Build An iPhone App?

Building an iPhone app from scratch is a task that requires UX/UI, technical and strategic expertise along with a deep understanding of the users the app is being built for. Our App Blueprint process offers a great starting point to gauge the scope of a project and deliver an accurate estimate of the time required to complete the build.

On average our App Blueprint process takes less than four weeks to complete, and building an app can take anywhere from three months to a year.


How Much Does It Cost To Build An iPhone App?

Just like buying a house, the cost of a mobile app really depends on what you want. We published a great article highlighting How Much It Costs To Build An App that you might find useful as you gather estimates and quotes.

Our initial planning process helps us gauge the technical requirements for your iPhone app to ensure there’s no sticker shock when you finish your build. We look at the requirements as they relate to third-party data, hosting, in-app purchases, monetization strategy and much more.

Want to create an iPhone app that generates results?

We’d love to connect.